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Old 12-19-2002, 09:17 PM   #12
Ironworks Atomic Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Age: 57
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Originally posted by Arvon:
A lot ISP's will allow you to have more than one mail box. Only give the address to people you want contact from. Use one of the other addresses for contacting web sites. The just let it fill up. In awhile the senders will get messages that there's no more room at the inn.

BTW some US states have laws preventing spam. The spammer can be fined $500 per event. Some guy in Washington state made $7000 suing.
Oh, well I thought that if I just let the Hotmail fill up, my account would be deleted eventually? So I've been studiously deleting, blocking, deleting, etc. etc all the spam mail. And Oh I WISH I could sue any of these people, but I can't say they are a "frequent" spammer, as I swear every message has a different e-mail addy.

Thanks for answering Arvon, OMG! You actually spoke and didn't tell a joke! Heh, yeah I know lame, but I think of all people you will forgive me.

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