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Old 12-01-2002, 06:15 AM   #1

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TEQUESTA, Fla., Nov 29, 2002 (U.S. Newswire via COMTEX) -- Amos King's
lawyers are fighting against the clock to win a ruling for DNA testing
of evidence which could prove King's claims of innocence. At the same
time, the State of Florida is fighting just as hard to kill Mr. King
according to schedule at 6 p.m. on Monday, December 2, 2002 -- without
benefit of such testing.

When members of Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP)
met with Governor Bush in July 2002 he said he has "absolutely no doubt"
that the death warrants he has signed have been for people who were
"justly sentenced for the crime they committed." FADP believes that
Governor Bush has not received all of the information available in the
King case. FADP calls on the Governor not to disregard the issues in
this case and to support the call for more advanced DNA testing. King
has served 25 years on death row for a crime he insists he did not
commit; surely the State of Florida can delay the planned execution long
enough for the more advanced DNA testing now available which could very
well prove King's claim of innocence.

"Even Floridians who support the death penalty do not want to execute
the wrong person, and there are still some questions to be answered in
the King case." said Abe Bonowitz, director of the statewide

King's lawyers are filing a motion for a stay to allow time for more
advanced DNA testing of a Caucasian hair and fingernail scrapings which
could point to a killer who could not possibly be Amos King, who is an
African American.
I find it very interesting that the accused is black and that they are so keen to execute him.
I'd say so.