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Old 11-22-2002, 06:00 PM   #10
The Ornery One
Drow Warrior

Join Date: May 17, 2002
Location: S. IL
Age: 48
Posts: 269
How about if I give you a list of things that most girls wouldn't like, that way you can tell if you've done those things and will know not to do them anymore.
Don't put other people down (whether it's someone you know or just a group in general.)
Don't touch yourself when near anyone (and I hope you know what I mean.)
Don't interupt her for any reason other than to warn her of danger.
Don't be rude to any of her friends or relatives.
DO compliment girls on aspects of their personality.
Don't compliment them on their looks very often until you know them better (otherwise they'll think that is all you care about.)

There are a ton more but these are the main ones to keep in mind. I know they always bugged me. And yes, it our job as females to be trouble.
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