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Old 11-11-2002, 08:59 AM   #27
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: March 6, 2001
Location: Somewhere on Earth - it changes often
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Thankfully, it's still reasonably civil in Australia.
I'm always on alert if they ask - "May I speak to Mr or Mrs (Surname)"
It's either the bank or a telemarketer.

I usually say straight away I'm not interested, they say "ok, thanks for your time" and that's it. Pretty painless. I used to work for a phone company helpdesk and don't like to be slack to people just doing their job for minimum wage. At least they're working for their money right?

I do like the idea though of saying in my normal average Aussie accent "sorry, I don't speak english"
Better run through the jungle! Grrr...
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