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Old 11-02-2002, 10:43 PM   #1
John D Harris
Ninja Storm Shadow

Join Date: March 27, 2001
Location: Northport,Alabama, USA
Age: 62
Posts: 3,577
Well after almost two days of recovery from the wedding of the Princess Amanda to Steve Bell (ha, ha she's AmandaBell now) My wife and I have recovered enough to start to resume life. We have 2500 little sandwhiches, 200 lbs of wedding cake, 3.5 gals of olives, 573.25 little pickles, enough fancy round crakers to re-shingle our house, more then enough Cheese to "stop up" a battalon of U.S.Marines, 1600 vanilla candles, and a case & a half of Champagne. Party is at the Harris's

It was a wonderful ceromony, I didn't have to pull my shotgun, the groom showed up and no one said they objected.

Amanda was beautiful (If I do say so myself she takes after her mother) She wore a Champagne medieval dress. Our other daughter Meghan wore a Crimson (Burgundy for everywhere else in the world but Tuscaloosa the home of the CRIMSON TIDE ) dress and was Amanda's bride's maid.
Steve was decked out in a tux complete with top hat and cane (we couldn't find suits of armour in time), he looked like an undertaker to me, but the Princess Amanda kept saying something about how handsome he looked. I think she was a bit biased, but what do I know. The ceromony was held outside at captial park, amoung the ruins of the old Alabama state capital building (Damn Yankees burned it during the war of Northern aggression). It was an old stone building, the foundation and part of the routunda (sp?) still surviving. We lined what the Yankees left of the stone walls and foundations with candles (I spent about 45 minutes scrapping wax off the stones I figured the city and state would be none to pleased, if'n I left a mess, after what the Yankees had done). The guests sat in what was left of the Governor's and Sec. of State's offices. After a week of rain the Good Lord saw fit to clear the skies for the wedding, but dropped the temp. to about 45 deg. f. Steve's dad preformed the ceromony, his first until now he hadn't gotten ordained, he was more nervous then Steve or Amanda. I walked Amanda up a gravel path, before we got to a bisecting path, I gave her the option of turning, but she said if it was all the same to me she just continue straight. That's my girl she found what she wanted and wasn't a-turn'n loose.

I feel the balance of power shifting, for years it's been me, a wife and two daughters, I know more about "chick stuff" then a man needs to or wants to know. Steve and I have made a pact, we're in this together, neither of us can run without the other. The one left's life would be "Hale", and he would be forced to hunt the runner down like a mangey dog.

My parents came, the "Lady Dorothy's" (my wife) father had passed away last year and her mother and step father couldn't make it due to health. My dad the old fighter pilot after drinking his glass of punch, filled the next several punch glasses with Champagne (no whimpy stemmed glasses for fighter pilots) Mom gave him the eye when she thought he had reached the limit she'd put up with (2 glasses). Papa being the dutiful husband and head of the Harris clan, snuck ("sneaked" for non Southeners)a couple more for good measure while she wasn't looking. All in all a good time was had by everyone.

[ 11-02-2002, 11:26 PM: Message edited by: John D Harris ]
Crustiest of the OLD COOTS "Donating mirrors for years to help the Liberal/Socialist find their collective rear-ends, because both hands doesn't seem to be working.
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