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Old 10-20-2002, 02:26 PM   #104

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Scholarcs:
Just expanding on the idea ofI honestly believe that we have to be more careful when killing animals and plants, even to save livestock. Plants and animals are becoming extinct at more than 1000 times the rate at which they did before humans began to have a serious effect on the environment. It is very scary to see how much of the world is being lost.

For that reason I believe that we should try and conserve wildlife wherever possible. There are millions, perhaps billions of livestock in the world, and in many species of wildlife only a few remain.

Dude, it has already been proven that this supposed extinction of species is ONLY theoretical model and when forced to name even one specific species that is predicted by the model that has gone extinct the guy who developed the theory admitted that he can't because the model is all mathematical theory and not based on actualy census of populations. It was on the Discovery channel a few moths ago. Another alarmist hoax just like the supposed disappearence of the south American Rainforest.

There is no evidence that we are killing the species off 1000 times faster than they were before man arrived. It is estimated that somewhere around 90% (an approximation obviously) of all species that ever existed on this planet went extinct before humans ever even arrived. Since no one can even tell you how many species exist at the present time, it is also impossible to state how many of them have up and deceased.

The people I call Eco-Nuts will say XXX number of species are killed every second and the people I call Industrial Idiots will say only some smaller value of XXX went exitnct and neither can prove its point because neither side is actually observing XXX number of species.

I submit that the leading cause of death and extinction in the world today is LIFE!

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I see no reason for man to go out of his way to be destructive and wasteful either. Efficient and respectful uses of resources and land are possible.

[ 10-20-2002, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: MagiK ]