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Old 10-16-2002, 06:26 AM   #41
40th Level Warrior
Ms Pacman Champion
Join Date: April 15, 2002
Location: Utrecht The Netherlands
Age: 58
Posts: 16,981
Yorick, you have been to Holland right ? Maybe you've heard about this: there's no other country in the world where swearing is so common as here. Dutch people have a habit of using all kinds of terrible disseases when they are angry with someone. And they are good at it too, there's a list made once of all existing cursewords Dutch people can come up with, and there's over a thousand of em. I think it somehow became kinda natural to use those kind of words. In some cities it's worse than in others. The city i was born in must be one of the worst, they even curse eachother out when they haven't seen eachother for some time and it's not even considdered cursing, more of a way to greet eachother (in sort of a moronic way).
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