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Old 10-15-2002, 07:24 AM   #47
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Virginia, USA
Age: 62
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Originally posted by Yorick:
How do you perceive time?




After writing a song about familiarity and repetition of a negative experience, I determined to see time as linear, not even spirally which I had done.

Thoughts anyone?
This thread blew me away last night when I first read it Yorick. Hadn't really thought to much about it but since you asked.
I view time as Linear. Even thow all of us get emotionally stuck in a moment time still goes.
Reprobate minds are a physical reality not a time stopping element IMO.

The reality of time for me is linear, and the true aspect of it is what you cant see, feel or hear. Many refrences in the Bible talk about a time for this and that, specific points, events. Never to be repeated again.
Just me- S
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