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Old 10-10-2002, 10:37 AM   #36
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Originally posted by Timber Loftis:
But, Epona, the driver and little girl with bits of brains on their clothes represent *emotional* damage. You gotta be careful here. If we interpret the general notion of "my yes's end at your no's" (a.k.a. we should not harm others) to include *emotional* harm things will certainly spiral out of control. Quite simply we absolutely cannot outlaw all things that might hurt someone else's feelings.
Just outlaw people hurting themselves or others physically(Possibly excluding euthanasia.), then you'll have outlawed a lot of causes for emotional harm with good reason. Then outlaw the destruction or theft of the property of others. Next, outlaw lawsuits that are obviously stupid, prevent them from even getting so far that a skilled lawyer can twist the truth and the law to make them succeed.

At that point you will, in my opinion, have outlawed most causes of emotional and physical harm, thereby making society a better place.

Oh yeah, and as drugs are basically poison, and you're not allowed to harm yourself. They'll be outlawed as well. So if you mess around with them and get hurt, your own fault, you're the one that gets fried.
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