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Old 10-04-2002, 09:41 PM   #8
Ironworks Atomic Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
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LOL Ronn I didn't know that about sleepshagging! I remember I slept walked when I was 10 a lot, but I grew out of it. But yes, I reckon maybe other people might also have that syndrome, and do things in their sleep.

I actually read about the whole thing in *blush* a rag, Enquirer or Globe or some such. Forgot my book today at work, can't eat lunch without reading material, it is just a thing about me LOL. Apparently also the girl's husband also thinks she may have played some part in the whole thing cause she allowed him to hold hands with her earlier that day (day of the "incident").

So I guess I see both sides. Perhaps they are both guilty. Still, you gotta admit the dude got way more forward than she did.

You know, I was listening to this radio station last week whilst driving to work, and this German girl called in, recently moved here to the U.S., 20 years old. She said that American men she has trouble making friends with. Said that they all want to be her boyfriend, or nothing. And in some ways that's true you know. If you befriend a man, talk to him a lot, smile and enjoy his presence, he automatically thinks you are hot for him, and pursues you, and when you don't want to have that kind of relationship and tell him, he then doesn't even want to talk to you at all anymore. It really IS very hard to find men that you can be JUST friends with. In other words, maybe that girl was really innocent, even when holding hands. Maybe she just was looking for companionship in a foreign environment, a friend, but he took it differently.

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