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Old 10-03-2002, 01:14 AM   #28
Sorcerer Alex

Posts: n/a
1. Do you chew or swallow pills? Swallow.

2. What room is your computer in? Describe the room. My computer is in my dorm room at university, so it's a fairly ordinary living-room really, about 12' - 18' big, nothing special about it. It has a bed, wardrobe, fridge, desk, chair, tv, stereo and my laptop.

3. How many websites and programs do you usually have up at the same time? About 4 or 5 typically.

4. Do you play games and keep IWs up (but minimized) and switch back and forth? No, that would get annoying. I like to concentrate on one thing at a time.

5. Do you like the Avatar Apophis here at IWs? No, I think it's ugly as shite, and I am not looking forward to hitting four thousand posts (if I ever do).

6. What older game sequels would you like to see come out soon? Dunno, not much of a gamer.

7. If you won One of Three types of prizes, which would you choose?
a. Clothing/Jewelry ($500 worth)
b. Food/Alcohol ($500 worth of free grocery store, or
restaurant "supplies")
c. Auto Part or Home Appliance ($500 worth)


8. When you get mad what do you tend to do?
a. Slam stuff down and make a lot of noise doing that
b. Curse under my breath to myself
c. Curse loudly for all to hear
d. Smile and go to the bathroom and rip the TP to shreds
e. Nothing, I'm a stone faced zombie you'll never know I'm mad


9. Do you have a loving family, a good relationship with your family? I used to, but now my nearest relative is about four thousand miles away, so no, not anymore.

10. On work/school nights, how late to you usually stay up? 2-3am.

11. Suffer from allergies? If so, what are you allergic to? Nah, nothing.

12. Do you ever eat from Salad Bars? Quite a bit, yeah. Sometimes there's nothing better than a refreshing salad.

13. Ever been in an Earthquake, Tornado, Hurricane, Mudslide, Avalanche or Volcano eruption? No.

14. Do you tan easily or is your skin sensitive to the sun and burns? I burn all the time. I go white-red-peel-white [img]tongue.gif[/img]

15. BlueStar Ointment I noticed took out "Tedder" from its "effective against" list in its TV commercial LOL, what the hell was Tedder anyways? Either way, looks like whatever it is BlueStar can't fix it no more LOL. Uh, right on, Missus Z [img]tongue.gif[/img]

16. Which is most annoying to you, TV/Radio Commercials, Junk Mail or Telemarketers? TV commericials, although junk mail is a very close second.

17. Do you have a screensaver on your PC? If so, what is it? I just have the boring windows logo flying over the screen; I'm not into computers enough to really care.

18. What is your favorite breakfast? Eggs, sausage, beans and toast.

19. When driving into a parking lot, what do you usually do, slip in between cars in an empty space, or drive to the end of the rows of cars and park at the end of them? Park at the end of them; it's a strange habit of mine really.

20. If somebody was to look into your car right now, what would they see? CDs, road atlas, bits of my last McDonald's meal lol, empty Snickers bar wrappers...