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Old 09-04-2002, 08:18 PM   #35
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: March 6, 2001
Location: Somewhere on Earth - it changes often
Posts: 1,292
I'm sorry, but this all seems to me to be akin to discussing whether people who like swimming/surfing can get work etc... Because no law firm's gonna hire someone who wears a bikini/wetsuit all the time are they?

I have worked with goths, cross dressers, surfers, punks, skaters, gays who dress like The Village People, grungers, slackers, rockers, models, musos, kickboxers, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindis, Satanists, geeks, freaks... and more - and that was just in one Telecommunications company...

Almost everyone modifies their chosen 'look/s' from work to non-work.
It can be as simple as wearing suits, overalls, a hair net, company shirt, whatever - but I'd wager it's a very small percentage of people who go to work dressed/looking exactly like they do when not there.

And the only time I've seen tatoos get in the way of employment is when they're on the head/hands - the rest can be hidden if needed. (Although I see a number of Maori with tribal facial tatooing in very ordinary/corporate positions - they have the backing of anti-discrimination laws because it's cultural beyond fad/fashion.
Better run through the jungle! Grrr...
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