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Old 09-04-2002, 08:17 PM   #57
White Dragon

Join Date: April 1, 2001
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Age: 43
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Originally posted by Lifetime:
Originally posted by Tancred:
I've lost sleep for the past six years over one girl, and I still do. In all honesty, though, I wouldn't be good for her. Besides, her actual boyfrend is a nice chap, and I bear no ill will toward him. Jealousy, perhaps, but no ill will. If he EVER steps out of line he's a dead man.
All's fair in love and war dude. Looks like you DO bear him ill will whatever you said, otherwise you'd be more forgiving of his shortcomings. If you've been losing sleep over someone for 6 years its obvious its serious enough to do something about it. Why burn all that energy and heartache yearning for someone for THAT long? Just go there and may the best man win! Or if that issint your style, forget her and quit wasting time over something like that.. thinking about it in your sleep for 6 years solves nothing.[/QUOTE]It's a curious thing. How can I explain it? After so long, things have reached the stage where... no. The only way to say it is that I've been the one quietly watching and waiting for so long, I almost feel comfortable with the role. Perhaps I like to believe there is nobility in what I am doing, even though under the weight of argument that just doesn't make sense. I have reconciled it with myself. But... well, you can't NOT dream.

As for her boyfriend... even more complicated. I speak to him in a friendly manne and make an effort to be nice, but I think perhaps I'm just curious; I want to know him purely because understanding him would allow me to understand the pair of them better...? I certainly don't wish him harm - if he and she are happy, then that's all there is to it. But, well, I can live with being just her friend, but he treated her badly, I would feel as if he had betrayed the trust I have given him... and I would feel angry.

Mostly because she had been hurt, of course. But also because him hurting her would take away my percieved notions of the virtue of my staying silent - as well as render me staying silent pointless.

As I said, curious.
\"HELP! I\'ve superglued myself to a flaming bowling ball!\"
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