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Old 08-23-2002, 08:05 PM   #47
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: July 16, 2002
Location: The Abyss
Age: 36
Posts: 904
Sir M i'd like to point out a few things too !!
1. Coward paladins!
2. I've bought dizzy so he wont hurt mr
3. Stop dreaming you're dead by my hands
4. Never underestimate the power of evil and chaos
5. Im loyal to my cause, no matter if i'm alone, i've been soloing whole my life

*destroys Sir M's keyboard to end it once in for all*
Plus everyone keep the violence down, we're trying to keep this to pg-15 at most

Edit: since i've been awake for the last 20 hours or so, its time i go to sleep, take care my worthy opponent, Sir M, sweet dreams(may i haunt you in them), Bye all

[ 08-23-2002, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: whacky ]
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