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Old 08-22-2002, 01:14 PM   #11

Posts: n/a
Surface impressions, most of which are possibly untrue or out of date:

Not a wealthy country because of huge population, but maintaining with an average-to-poor standard of living... government intolerant of religion and social change, willing to practise human rights abuses to suppress same...greatest influence in UN is by stonewalling what they don't support.

Again, I don't know what is true or current in the above, but it's what pops into mind. What I do know for sure, is that it's a country with an ancient and rich history, and many of the discoveries of chinese medicine and herbal lore are only now becoming widely known and accepted in the US.
Avatar, will you please sum up the impressions given in this thread with your own observations at some point? I'd like to know your first-hand take on things in comparison to how others see them.