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Old 08-20-2002, 03:45 PM   #21
Tanoch Thas'ala
Banned User

Join Date: February 14, 2002
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 336
Originally posted by skywalker:
I wonder what is going on in this world. This type of tragedy has been happening in America a lot lately.
This kind of thing has not been "happening in america a lot lately". This is something that goes on all the time. The only reason it seems to have picked up is because the news agencies have made it the "crime of the day". Sadly, in a month or so, the news agencies will go on reporting other things like suddenly there are wild fires everywhere, but children will still go on missing. Everyday.

Originally posted by skywalker:
It is very sad that children are no longer safe playing in their own neighborhoods.

This should not be.

Children are never safe playing unsupervised. The larger issue is not the predators, although it is an issue in itself. The part that pisses me off about this is that most of these kids were playing unattended by adults. One kiddnaping recently had pissed me off because the grandmother supposedly watching the child was in the back of the house doing something else!! Would it be to hard to ask the kids to play inside or play out back if you can't watch them directly? At least have them within earshot!! Yes, I blame the parent as much as I blame the sick person who did the crime.
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