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Old 07-30-2002, 12:18 PM   #38

Join Date: November 13, 2001
Location: madrid, spain... made in argentina
Age: 47
Posts: 569
Originally posted by Moni:
I realize that I am not a moderator and can't ask this of you and expect you to obey but I am going to ask anyway. Please stop pushing the envelope with Dizzy. He already said he is not going to dignify anyone's replies to what he had to say with a response. Just leave it at that out of respect for a fellow member of IW OK?
It takes an insider to see all the aspects of this country good and bad so until you live here for some time you really can't argue his point with any validity. Not just that, but when people ask to stopped being pushed and someone insists on shoving, it only leads to further arguing that has no resolve and bad feelings where there shouldn't be any. Ask around, most everyone can tell you that I ought to know that well here...and not from being the person doing the shoving...let's just drop any arguments with Dizzy over this one OK?
ok. i dont get it. he posts an opinion and then tells everyone not to bother responding cause he is not going to "dignify anyones answers to what he had to say with a response"???

whats the point of posting in a FORUM if you are not going to want people to reply to you??? i mean, if he really didnt want to discuss this issue, he could just exit the thread and not post. and not write a pretty controversial post (thus highly likely to get responses) and they say... hey, i dont care what you have to say. your answers are crap anyways, so im not even going to bother responding them so i dont give them more credit than they are due... yeah, right, whatever...
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