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Old 07-23-2002, 03:01 PM   #32
Tanoch Thas'ala
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Join Date: February 14, 2002
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 336
Originally posted by Dundee Slaytern:
Hmmmm... searching for British crime statistics on the internet is like scratching my eyeballs. Maybe it is because I do not know where to start looking, I will need somebody from Britain/UK to point me in the right direction.

Note, I am replying in chronological order, to no one in particular.

I was expecting the 'unreported factor' argument( and I do acknowledge its presence), but under the assumption that this 1:20 ratio is from the British police files, then it sorts of nullifies the argument as both British and Singaporean sides will have their own unreported cases. I am dealing with the reported figures right now, and 1:20 compared to 1:20000 is huge, which is why I say I find it hard to believe that Britain have a thousand times more rape.

Yes, one rape is already too many, but there is also no need to blow things out of proportion. I am not advocating that we ignore rape or consider it a minor issue, but we have to be credible.

In addition, saying that Singapore's small size is a factor is not valid. I have been using ratios, not whole numbers.


andrewas, to maintain a 1:20 rape ratio in the population, there has to be an average of 1:20 rapes per year, considering births, deaths, aging and all.


At this point, I just wish to clarify that I am very much against rape, and will not tolerate any instances of it.


The only African country I have been to is Egypt. Europe-wise, I have only been to United Kingdom( England, Scotland and Wales), and a brief stay( 2d3n days) in Turkey.
I reread the original post and no mention was made of Police Statistics. So more than likely the stats are based on some one polling the public...Which would mean most of the rapes were probably not reported...

Why is it so hard to believe that women are assualted often?
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