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Old 07-22-2002, 06:43 PM   #1
20th Level Warrior

Join Date: November 16, 2001
Location: Estonia
Age: 35
Posts: 2,775
Ok, first i`d like to say that when i first died(killed by that bitchy Chimera), the situation was nothing compared to this one.. this time, because of the Random Encounter, we met 4 FROST GIANTS!!!! I sure as hell ran away but the others stayed there. 2 of the others even stayed alive(VERY lucky, i guess). They got the exp, the money, the magical items, in other words, they got f***ing everything. Later, my char(Invoker) tried to go and meet those guys again but Random Encounters killed me(lucky, lucky.. frost giants again). Later, all the people that died made new characters. I got nice stats(15, 15, 15, 16, 14, 15) and made a neat multi class - a Fighter/Priest(he could cast healing spells and wear all sorts of armor at the same time. Neat!). Then I met the party. Everything went ok, we had to destroy a temple of Cyric. We killed all the ordinary, weak guards and priests, then we saw a strange fellow with burning armor. We occupied him, and it seemed like he`s a tough guy, but not too tough. When it was his turn, he started laughing and his armour started burning. He cast a f****ng fireball. Me and 1 other party member died but all the others survived(note - i had all of my HPs left before getting hit by that fireball).
At the end of the game, they divided the exp. they all got 1000 points for destroying the temple and another 1000 for killing that fiery bastard(1000 exp EACH person)..
Right now, im feeling a sick sort of desperation and sadness.. i got killed twice in such stupid situations .
What do you think, is my DM being a bit too harsh?
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