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Old 07-20-2002, 03:27 PM   #1
AzRaeL StoRmBlaDe

Join Date: October 11, 2001
Location: At My Computer
Age: 43
Posts: 2,217
A close friend of mine has just signed up for the army for a period of at least 4 years. When I asked him why he did it, he told me some stuff about, them giving him a $3000 signing bonus, and the montgomery GI bill, and a bunch of other stuff like that. He is in a fairly large amount of debt so he thinks it will be good for him but I couldn't bend my mind around the severity of his decision. He signed away 4 years of his life, he is going to be 24 when he goes in and 28 when he comes out, thats 4 prime years of life that he will not be able to get back. I understand some of the advantages of, it see the world, get money for college, blah blah blah, but I couldnt imagine giving up 4 years in the prime of my life, to potentially be put into situations, where I could very easily die. Don't think I am ragging on the military or anything, but I just don't understand his decision, it seems more like indentured servitude to me, I was just hoping maybe somone here would be able to enlighten me as to why he potnetially made the decision, or if you were in the armed forces yourself, what made you decide to join. I want to be supportive of his decision because he is one of my best friends, but I was just taken aback by it. Any input any would have that might be able to help me understand, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Now the swinging bridge<br />Is quieted with creepers. . . <br />Like our tendrilled life. -Basho
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