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Old 07-20-2002, 03:07 AM   #11
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
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Very interesting question. I have a member in my DnD group who hasn't been playing for the last 6 months because he is a born again Christian and feels he needs to work out some issues with the gaming sect. My problem with it is if he thought it was Satanic before...hmmm... not going to speculate too much on that...

Personally, I believe DnD, like life, is GIGO - Garbage in, Garbage Out. If you think of it as a game, then it is just a game. If you think of it as a true Avatar for yourself and if the character dies, off pops a finger/limb/head....then you have more problems than too many dice rattling in your cup.

While I'll admit that you can come across some Satanic ritualistic things, and I could see how some would find an interest in the occult from that, it all comes down to parenting. (speaking as a non-parent, of course) I know that my parents and I had an open dialog about anything - sex, God, Drugs, Drinking, Sports, etc. IF I had a question about it, my parents would talk about it with me. If I still had questions, we would go to the Library (later the internet) and find info on it. We would go over it together and they would let me make my own decision about it. They trusted that I was a smart young kid and that I had been raised well.

So to answer the main question, no I don't believe the game is Satanic. But if you bring an agenda to something...different story.

The Black Storm Cloud of the Night - Consort to a Queen- Champion of Truth, Justice and Cloudy's Way - Captain of the Knights of the Golden Dragons - Heart, Mind, and Soul- Newbie at Heart - ()xxxxxxxxxxxxx{}:::::::::::::::::::::>
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