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Old 07-17-2002, 04:19 PM   #15

Join Date: January 27, 2002
Location: Birmingham, England
Age: 67
Posts: 241
I have thrown the PS2 joypad half way across the room in temper when I have either died for the thirtieth time or have found that something is too hard for me to do.

The names I have called my characters in some of my games are unprintable, especially in BGII SoA where the characters have totally ignored what I have asked them to do.

My boyfriend is used to me yelling at the monitor, DO AS YOU ARE BLOODY TOLD WILL YOU!!! at em. or SILLY B..... WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING.

LOL I am sure my neighbours think I am shouting at my boyfriend. They look at me funny when I say I was playing a game and shouting at it.

Never got upset or cried at the storyline or anything, I just get frustrated at my own ineptitude sometimes. So I take a deep breath, make a cuppa coffee and go back to it later. Invariably if it is something I am having trouble doing, after the break I go back and do it right.

You do get very immersed in the storyline though.

Lady Zidane
<br /><br />You know what thought did? He only thought he did.
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