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Old 07-12-2002, 12:40 PM   #18
Sir Kenyth
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: August 30, 2001
Location: somewhere
Age: 54
Posts: 1,785
Depends on the class.
A lawful/good Paladin or Cleric.
A neutral/good mage or fighter.
A chaotic/good barbarian or thief on occasion.

I only play CRPG's. I tried P&P RPG's once or twice. I couldn't get into the general crowd. Forgive me for stereotyping, but it seems like there were entirely too many immature or strange personalities playing P&P. I designed a few in-depth modules with AD&D that I sold with the game materials to a hard core Ravenloff fan. I think I enjoyed the creativity even more than the playing. I moved on from drawing and writing to tinkering and computers.
Master Barbsman and wielder of the razor wit!<br /><br />There are dark angels among us. They present themselves in shining raiment but there is, in their hearts, the blackness of the abyss.
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