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Old 07-10-2002, 08:49 AM   #17
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: May 1, 2001
Location: melbourne victoria australia
Age: 59
Posts: 960
How we deal with the deadly spiders: keep a large can of bug spray on either side of the bed. Shoes also work but have shorter range and you have to be more accurate.

Australia is also home to ten of the deadliest snakes in the world.

Spiders havent killed off all the deadly snakes. I can take you to a field that has a few types of deadly snakes not 20 minutes from my house in a suburban area. Tiger snakes tend to be fairly aggresive.

I killed about 30 redback spiders and about 40 white-tail spiders last year. All were in my backyard by/in the wood pile or under the house. If either of those spiders bite you you have about 8 minutes to get to the hospital to get the anti-venom. Any longer and youre dead.

Huntsman spiders a large and taurantula like and will make you sick as hell but most likely wont kill the bite victim unless its a small child that has been bitten. I killed about 25 of them last year. Them suckers are BIGGGG. Just the body on a semi-adult Huntsman is about as big as the palm on a grown man. Or bigger.

Stay out of the ocean. Jelly fish cant sting you if you arent in the water. Sharks cant bite you either if youre on dry land. Dont kill any frogs. They could be poisonous as well.

I cant remember exactly how it went but some English guy back in the 1880s let a pair of breeding rabbits loose. They bred like, rabbits. To get rid of the rabbits they let cats go to hunt them down. The rabbit numbers went down and the ferral cat numbers went up. So to get rid of the cats they let go some poisonous frogs. Now they are trying to figure out how to get rid of the poisonous frogs.
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