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Old 07-07-2002, 12:08 PM   #24
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: May 1, 2001
Location: melbourne victoria australia
Age: 59
Posts: 960
Yes New Zealanders DO have to have a Work Visa to work in the US. They also have to have a Student Visa in order to take ANY kind of classes in the US.

He violated the law on TWO counts. He tried to pass himself off as another person and he didnt have the proper visa for the "Flight School".

Grojlach, thanks for the flamebait mate but perhaps another time. Im going to tell you something you probably dont know. Entering the United States, or Australia, or New Zealand under false pretenses is a CRIME. Usually the penalty is deportation. Attempting to flee custody of the proper authorities to prevent said deportation will usually end up with the individual getting the crap kicked out of them and handcuffed and stuffed on the plane anyway. In some cases its ended up with people even being shot.

I entered Australia LEGALLY. Daffy Saffi DIDNT enter the US LEGALLY. He dug his own hole. Let him dig himself out of it. I dont CARE if he gets shot. I dont care if he DOESNT get shot. Either way it makes no difference to me.

Australia has a HUGE problem with Indonesians trying to enter illegally. Most Australians say "shoot the bastards" Their words not mine. Ive heard many Australians say "Sink the boats with the people still on them. As soon as they enter our waters." Aussies dont care if they come here legally. Thats not the problem. The Indonesians pay upwards of $25,000 to get on a boat and then say they are Asylumn Seekers. From what?? The LAW. They are for the most part wanted felons. Some even pay $60,000 to get on that boat. They ARENT POOR. They could just buy a plane ticket and come over that way, but they are felons and therefore arent wanted in Australia. So they sneak in, get caught, sow their lips shut in a form of protest and choose to starve to death to show their resolve.

Aussies dont want a bunch of lying, lip sowing, roof diving, hunger strinking, psyco, wanted felons in their country. Do you hear about this stuff in Holland? Remember that the Aussies are the ones who say "shoot the bastards"

As an American I find it strange that there are several million people that HATE me simply because Im an American. I havent done anything to them. I dont know them. Yet they hate me anyway.

Well now someone wants to get down on me when I reciprocate. Now its unfair of me to feel the same way about them that they feel about me??

Yeah September 11 was tragic. We shouldnt be offended by it. WRONG. If it had happened in Amsterdam would the Dutch feel the same way???You shouldnt be offended about it? Well it might not bother you but Im willing to gamble and say it would sure piss off a LOT of your countrymen.

In NONE of my previos posts have I said that America should attack Iraq. Well you just made my mind up Grojlach. America should go over there and LEVEL the place. Kill everybody in the country. That way there wont be anyone there that hates us.


Besides, IM not stupid enough to run from the authorities. They have no reason to detain me in the first place. Maybe Saffi IS dumb enough. One can only hope.
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