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Old 07-04-2002, 09:24 AM   #36
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Sweden
Age: 50
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Personally I would gladly pay a higher price for a game that wouldnīt need tons of patches, newest drivers to work etc etc etc... whine rant whine..

I think that the PC game industry has been peaking at the console buisness where the games actually are more expansive, and they get away with it. Sure piracy increase when costs increase, but cost increase as piracy increase. Itīs a dead circle leading to no good..

Hopefully ONE company dares to break the current flow and makes a good game to a fait price, and people will buy that game legally.. Utopia anyone??

*sigh* Well fortunatley I got NWN for a lower price since the last delay made alot of people pretty pissed, so I saved almost 20%. Had I bought it today instead.. full price.. :S

Donīt eat the yellow snow
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