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Old 06-29-2002, 11:52 AM   #1

Join Date: May 14, 2002
Location: Oklahoma, USA
Age: 33
Posts: 4,238
Okay i had this dream a few nights ago and I was dreaming that I was at this theme park or something like thing and I knew my entire way around.I had never been to this place where I was at.I saw a door and I told my parents that I would be right back as if I knew what was on the other side of the door.As I went it started getting hotter.I came into this huge room that looked like a shrine.In the place the were benches and stuff with small potions just waiting to be picked up and drank.Each potion had a color.The colors were grey,white,light green,and blue.I looked up and saw this huge statue that was of a face and hands coming out of a wall.The face....looked like Satan!The tipical devil look.Beard,horns,red face.The hands were red too and the nails were painted black.The walls were a orange red with bumps on em.So was the floor and benches.So i ran around grabbing only the blue potions drinking each one for some reason.I thought that the room must have been a place of worship for those who worship Satan.Creepy.
\"I firmly believe that any man\'s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious.\"<br />-Vince Lombardi
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