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Old 06-24-2002, 06:20 AM   #105
Lady Blue03
Xanathar Thieves Guild

Join Date: January 18, 2002
Age: 38
Posts: 4,557
Thanks Epona, the pic of Hannibal is actually from over a year ago, before we weaned him from mommy . I never knew you rode, but it sux to hear that ur accident stopped you from riding! Ive taken many nasty falls off tall horses, the worst being i almost broke my leg when my mare bolted while i was riding her can always tell when the horse didnt mean to do it, lol. My poor mare was staring at me and trembling, and when i could move my leg again i got up and gave her a hug, even though she is an idiot. The only place id rather be then a horses back is in an f-16

As for the men, i think i'll stay out of serious things until im working full about 7 or eight years, hehe.

Well its 3:15AM and my chum didnt show up so im going to bed...g'night everyone! Talk to ya when i get back from the beach tomorrow

*trots out the door wondering what the San Diego waters will feel like compared to Kau'is 80 degree ocean*
Yep I'm still lurking!
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