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Old 06-20-2002, 12:46 PM   #18
Cerek the Barbaric
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: October 29, 2001
Location: North Carolina
Age: 61
Posts: 3,257
Welcome to IronWorks, ,Oblivion437.

I must compliment you on making such a "bold" post so soon after arriving here. Not many people (myself included) would have the courage or confidence to tackle such a controversial topic right after entering the room. Kudos to you for being different.

Now, to our discussion.

You believe that the very make-up of the universe pre-cludes the existence of a higher being (or Omnipotent Creator, as I like to call Him). I would suggest that the exact opposite is true. I find it hard to beleive that the somethingwith the magnitude, complexity, and (yet) infinite intricacies of the universe could exist WITHOUT a Divine Guiding Hand.

Are there alien life forms in the universe? As you said, the sheer size of the universe would suggest that life most likely exists on at least SOME of the other planets.

Does this conflict with my religious beliefs (Southern Baptist, BTW)? Not in the least. I DO believe that man was created in God's image. I also believe we are His chosen and favorite creations - on THIS planet. However, I am not arrogant or narrow-minded enough to insist that we are the ONLY creations He feels this way about.

I believe that God loves each individual person equally and unequivocally. That means that He loves Osama Bin Laden just as much as He loves Pope John Paul or you or me. Therefore, it is only logical to believe that His universal love could easily be extended to other creations on other planets.

There are my opening thoughts. The "ball" is now back in your court.

One last thing, here is my Official Welcome for new members....


[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Cerek the Calmth
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