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Old 06-19-2002, 07:45 AM   #1
Ironworks Webmaster

     Bow to the Meow


Join Date: January 4, 2001
Location: Lakeland, Florida
Age: 51
Posts: 11,721
Some of you are infected with the Klez virus. I just got some emails with "Chocolate my Cat," as the subject--sounds like I sent it huh? Nope. Here is how Klez (some versions) work:

You get infected. You surf on sites you like. the VIRUS will scan all the html pages for email addresses, and pull random text from that html page. and this virus will ALSO do the following:

In the old days, you KNEW who was infected. NOW, theis virus will pull a random email address and put it down as the SENDER. so you could get a virus attachment that says it's FROM ME!!! When in fact it's NOT. (I keep my virus dat files updated daily). So these days, we don't even know WHO sent it, all we have is an IP address, and that can't work to email the infected user and let them know to scan for the virus. This Klez virus is the worlds WORST (Klez is now the #1 worst of all time--bypassed Melissa and "I love you" virus).


SCAN your PC. if you don't have a virus scanner, download the FREE Klez checker/cleaner here (PLEASE!)
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