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Old 06-19-2002, 05:23 PM   #40
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Originally posted by Yorick:

Originally posted by Cloudbringer in the locked "Religion type" thread:
I am fully aware of God in my life, so whether or not YOU are, doesn't make a difference in my faith. I can only pray that one day you discover what a lot of us already have.
[/QUOTE]Sorry, I HAVE to comment on this. This is the sort of comment that makes me quite annoyed, as it suggests that those who do NOT believe in God have LESS nice lives than those who DO. Please, look at it this way:

Life is a meal. Believing in God is a spice, let us say, cinnamon. We are all eating different meals. To you, belief in God might make the meal PERFECT. While to me it might make it unpleasant. See? So wishing that I add cinnamon to my life just because it makes your meal better might in fact be wishing that I worsen my life. Of course believing in God might make my life better. But please, don't assume that it's the best for everyone.
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