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Old 06-18-2002, 02:30 AM   #28

Posts: n/a

Your response is well thought out and I do respect your beliefs. I still believe I have every right to question them! Especially as you believe that I am missing out on something very special. I do think that you need to look at it from a non-christian’s point of view though.

It’s easy for you to say “What I'm saying is that you cannot with any certainty say anything DOES NOT EXIST”, but is it really practical to put that statement into use. I cannot say with any certainty that the moon is not made of cheese! I haven’t been to the moon, and even if textbooks tell me that it is not made of cheese, technically I still don’t actually know. But is it then reasonable for me to, not only admit that the moon may very well be made of cheese, but to actually believe that it is.

So, based on your statement, I don’t 100% know that there isn’t a God. But that doesn’t in any shape or form, give many any reason what-so-ever, to believe that there is one. Furthermore, I could reverse the idea on you and say that there is no possible way that you can know that God exists. You may believe that he exists. You may have had experiences that persuade you towards thinking that there is a God, but can you really tell me that you KNOW! I don’t think so. You told me that you KNOW you have a soul as well. I don’t think you can possibly say that with absolute knowledge.

Anyway, I’m sure I understand what you are getting at. You are suggesting that even if I don’t believe in God, that I should accept that you believe God is real. I’m sorry if it seems that I (amongst others) don’t accept your belief. It’s just that you believe in God because you have had many experiences in your life that you regard as evidential. I obviously have either had none of these experiences, or did not regard them to be evidential in any way. You say that you don’t have time or space to tell me about your experiences, but I for one would like to know what they are! What experiences can possibly be enough for someone to say with such certainty that God exists, and that Christianity is for real.

Finally, I really get frustrated at statements such as “I have nothing to lose”. The amount of people I’ve heard say “Oh well, maybe I’m wrong! But isn’t it worth the chance that I’m wrong, just in case I am right!” I’m sorry, but belief just doesn’t work that way. If that was the case, then sign me up! I’m ready to commit! If some people can make themselves believe something “just in case” it turns out to be correct, I certainly am not one of them. It’s a pretty clear cut line. You either do, or you don’t. None of this what have you got to lose stuff.
