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Old 06-16-2002, 08:57 PM   #19
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
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Originally posted by The Hunter of Jahanna:
I think you misunderstood my post a bit Yorick.I wasnt trying to say one was more valid or true than the other. Just that one is somewhat more pallitable than the other because of its representatives. I havent heard of anybody going to war or killing people because of gravity or the theory of relativity.

Now for the quoted stuff. I fully believe that religeous moral dogma has NO place in scientific discovery.Science should be the pursuit of knowledge for no other reason than simply to know and see if things can be done.It should be based on factual and rational obsevation , NOT subjective feelings and predjudices. History has shown that religeon stands in the way of science. In the dark ages when everyone thought that the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth the scientists who claimed otherwise like copernicus and gallileo, were put to death for heresy by the church. Nazi experiments , while they were terrible had to have yielded some new discoverys. I dont have any numbers or names ,but thousands of human experiments couldnt have been a total waste. Cloneing will be the treatment of the future as long as the religeious fanatics keep out of it. If you can clone a sheep , why not a human?? Why are people diffrent from sheep?Personaly if I needed a heart transplant , I would preffer one that was cloned from my own cells instead of one out of a dead person.
I understood your post Hunter. Religion is never the cause of War. Human greed, fear, politics, racial hatred and conflicting needs are the cause of wars, not religions. All major world religions teach peace. There is one exception, but followers of this faith insist that those who goes to war in the name of Islam (meaning "way of peace") are misinterpreting the Qur'an.

Why do people misinterpret a Holy book? Well sometimes it's easier to bend what one perceives to be Gods will to justify a human agenda, instead of honestly asking God what his will is, or seeking wisdom from the said Holy book with an open mind, not looking for justifications.

I would argue that people HAVE gone to war over scientific discoveries, and that scientific discoveries have made war worse. Ala gunpowder, nuclear weapons, landmines, chemical weapons, etc etc.

Do we then say that Science causes war or that people MISUSE science?

Geography and geology are sciences. Discoveries of oil and gold have spurred war. Similarly various nations discoveries of new continents have sparked war between peoples.

Is the knowledge to blame or are people misusing it? Are religions of peace to blame or are people misusing it?

Secondly, knowing God for me has meant discovery and pursuit of knowledge is a MEANS TO AN END, rather than being an end in itself. Thus it is not an obsession, but something that I pursue because of both the enjoyment of it, and that it brings me closer to my creator.

We can never know everything.

[ 06-16-2002, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: Yorick ]
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