Thread: Ending it all
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Old 06-14-2002, 09:46 PM   #56
40th Level Warrior
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Originally posted by Moni:
Just so you know I know the difference...someone who is extremely close to me attempted suicide recently and would have succeeded had their girlfriend not called them and asked what they were up to....their answer..."Bleeding to death."
They were on the edge of death and knew she couldn't get there to help them since she was in another state at the time.
Well, lucky for those of us that love this person, she called his local police dept and the paramedics got there in time to save his life.
He had slit his forearm from the wrist to the elbow and now has permanent damage to that arm from slicing through nerves.
I've spent every day for the last two weeks on the phone with this person, letting them know that someone cares, helping them to fix the problems they have that they can fix and helping them to find ways to let go of those things that they can do nothing about.

So don't assume I am ignorant...more than once I've dealt with people on both ends of the issue myself and the situation I am currently dealing with not only hurts but it isn't over by a long shot....people who really want to commit suicide will rarely ever tell anyone, they'll just do it.
i know exactly what you mean, i KNEW two guys who did that to themselves without giving any signals whatsoever. One of them actually seemed happy all the time. The night before he killed himself he was all laughs, full of life if you know what i mean. The next morning he was gone(a handfull of sleeping pills)and he left us completely in the dark. No message, nothing. Maybe this sounds weird to you, but imo that's really egoistic, at least leave SOMETHING for your parents.

[ 06-14-2002, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: johnny ]
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