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Old 06-10-2002, 10:40 AM   #44

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Originally posted by uss:
Enemy At The Gates? that was a good movie. atleast it showed that the evil Nazi (Major Köning) isnt evil at all.
I was really going to stay out of this whole mess, but dude! You cannot take holywood as a source for your historical fact. [img]graemlins/1dizzy.gif[/img]

It is fact that a lot of the "Regular" Army German forces were actually noble and honorable soldiers (Rommel is one of the most well known) who repeatedly ignored orders from Hitler and the SS to commit atrocities. Not all Russian troops were evil and not all German soldiers were Evil, some were not even Nazi's.

Uss I have studied the War in a fair amount of detail and while there are some things to admire about the German war machine of World War 2 there is NO redeaming value in the nazi political party.