Thread: A banned MTV ad
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Old 09-16-2005, 11:01 PM   #9
Felix The Assassin
The Dreadnoks

Join Date: September 27, 2001
Location: Orlando, FL
Age: 61
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How much profit does MTV produce? How much profit sharing does MTV give to any of these causes?
How much does the Federal Government hand out for ALL of these issues? And not just here, but worldwide?

A person with HIV did something (for the majority) to become infected with the virus.

A person that is hungry, has not attempted to grow a garden, fish, or hunt the wild critters that go well with garden fresh potatoes.

A person who is homeless, may be homeless for desire. Others may in fact be homeless, for they have no means of tying sticks together, and forming shelter. But, will sit on a street corner and expect you to help them. While they do nothing.

The cowardly events of 9/11 effected folks of all walks of life, health, and social status. Which cannot be compared to events MTV can help eradicate!

So, what is MTV going to do about it? Show live coverage of the next (insert whatever) Live Aid concert?

Krunchyfrogg, may the powers of healing and recovery be with you. God-Speed.
The Lizzie Palmer Tribute

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

John F. Kennedy
35th President of The United States

The Last Shot

Honor The Fallen

Jesus died for our sins, and American Soldiers died for our freedom.

If you don't stand behind our Soldiers, please feel free to stand in front of them.
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