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Old 04-25-2003, 10:36 AM   #1
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Airstrip One
Age: 40
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There's a programme on the BBC called Question Time. In it five well known people of various political persuasions sit round a table and answer questions from an invited auduence.

Last night's guests included Geoff Hoon, the Defence Secretary, Benazir Bhutto the formen Prime Minister of Pakistan (and still a stunner) and James Rubin the former State Department spokesman.

Now I've always had a lot of time for James, very fair minded and talks a lot of sense. Last night he was taking a bit of a hammering from the Mulsim elements in the audience about US actions and policies in the Middle East, uneven treatment of the Palestinians/Israelis etc when he cut them dead in their tracks.

In response to their questions he asked: "what about US actions in Kosovo where we took military action to protect Muslims at great cost and risk to ourselves."

There was no obvious interest for the US in Kosovo, save from the fact that trade is easier in a time of peace, and that hordes of refugees washing through Europe would put a strain on our economies. There was no oil, no links to international terrorism. The world took action, led by the US, to effect a regime change and stop the ethnic cleansing there.

I found myself cheering old James through an alcohol induced haze. The US and the rest of the world did a good thing in Kosovo and it needed to be said.

The next questioner was an Iraqi living in London who thanked James (and the rest of the coalition) for freeing his country. That's 2-0 James!!

What a shame you don't get the BBC in the US.
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> <br />Proud member of the Axis of Upheaval<br />Official Titterer of the Laughing Hyenas<br />Josiah Bartlet - the best President the US never had.<br />The 1st D in the D & D Show
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