Thread: War Prayer
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Old 03-20-2003, 06:36 PM   #6

Join Date: March 11, 2001
Location: North Carolina USA
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Originally posted by norompanlasolas:
yep, it makes me wonder when for example bush says "god bless america" and all that pseudo-religious rethoric. do they really believe it??? so god has a preference now? its like when people pray so that their football team wins, but of course fans from the rival team do the same... some actually believe that he would take sides. the same is for this war, if he blesses and protects the americans, is he killing irakis? does god take sides? this is an honest question because for the life of me, it is one mindset that i cannot grasp. its so far out from my life perspective and reality (and people i live with) that it is as alien to me as saddams views... well, maybe not thar much

so, what is gods nationality then?!!!
God has no nationality. We are all God's children.

"God Bless America", or a prayer for your favorite football team is a request Noro, not a demand of God. While we can ask for anything, God gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want.

You asked an honest question, and I answered it honestly, but I won't debate the issue because religious debates go nowhere. Some here may take you up on it if you choose, but I won't. I've answered your question to the best of my ability, but I won't try to convert you.

[ 03-20-2003, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: Ronn_Bman ]
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