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Old 11-17-2001, 08:03 AM   #4
Drow Warrior

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Originally posted by Ronn_Bman:
It would be nice to see, but we won't see all it for years. Certainly not until after the war on terrorism is over because the evidence could/would compromise our sources and methods. If they know how we know, there are things they can do and people they could eliminate to shut down aspects of our intelligence.

[ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: Ronn_Bman ]

I completely agree with you. But I think if we ever do capture Bin Laden and that could be soon, then the Feds should start to think about releasing at least some "hard" evidence on this guy. Remember, if we want to give him a fair and democratic trial we will have to show other countries exactly what he has done. Specially if he flees to one of them and is granted sanctuary. I have a problem with us invadeing one of our allies because they won't hand him over...with a "smoking gun" that wouldn't be something we have to think about. The last thing we need is another Panama.
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