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Old 01-29-2005, 02:27 PM   #6

Join Date: June 24, 2002
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I don't know where to really draw the line there. I'd think it could also be that users let themselves be locked in. And seriously why wouldn't you want to do that cause you paid for it.

I still don't think it's only M$'s fault. They supply the desktop center and people like buy it. Then why complain about it when there are options around. Or why punish m$ when it's actually the user's ignorance. Some people don't want to be informed even a little bit about computers it looks like. Then I think it's not M$'s fault if they have a complete music in wma when they should have just gottne a program that does it right to mp3 for example. Those programs do run on windows as well. The way windows is built up will always have some troubles as will other OSs have their own.
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