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Old 09-20-2004, 02:43 PM   #1
Jack Burton

Join Date: October 16, 2001
Location: PA
Age: 43
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The United Nations Security Council in New York just passed a resolution (No1564) on Sudan, adopting the US draft. This resolution got 11 votes and 4 abstentions. Here are few important notes:

1. The ambassador of Algeria, representing the Arab League, Abdallah Baali, rejected the resolution. It is to note that M Baali has also rejected the previous UN resolution 1556 on Sudan. This shows that the Arab League bloc, represented by Baali is attempting to block all UN resolutions that could end up in interventions. Diplomatic sources explained the reasons why. The Algerian representative also rejected UNSCR no 1559, voted two weeks ago, calling on Syria to withdraw from Lebanon.

2. The Russian ambassador called for the disarming of the Janjawid. An interesting position showing the new Russian position regarding the Jihadist groups around the world.

3. More importantly, in the pro-al Qaida chat rooms, the vote and the discussions were followed closely. After the vote took place, a Jihadi room leader said "this is an attack against Islam. We must respond!" Which raises the Terror factor in Sudan. The Jihadis will try to use religion, but the African factor is stronger.

4. Today of the people of Darfur and Sudan have just won a battle. (a similar article, with some minorly different additional info)

a quick web search for reactions should prove most enlightening. [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 09-20-2004, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: Morgeruat ]
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