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Old 06-08-2004, 01:01 PM   #158
Dirty Meg
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: May 21, 2004
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Age: 79
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Originally posted by Yorick:
So, you do not believe in democracy then. What do you advocate? Dictatorship? Who's morals and laws do we have to live under Meg? Yours? Are you to be the dictator who forces society to live under morals and laws it doesn't want to?

I repeat, a society has the right to encourage the values it wishes to see perpetrated, if it believes it is for the mental, social and physical health of the said society. DEMOCRACY.

If the society are deciding that Jews and whites are superior, the onus is on EDUCATING the society as to why this is not so, not removing the right for self determination.

The simple fact is, if we were all gay, the human race would die out. Simple. If society wants to perpetuate, it has the right to determine what values enable or prohibit perpetuation.
In English, it is traditional to construct sentences from more than one word. Please take this into account in future.
You evidently don't know what democracy is. What you are advocating is communism. The advantage of democracy over dictatorship is that we don't have to live under anybody's morals. We can do what we like as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of another human being.
Your last arguement is completely absurd. The same could be said of anybody. If we were all men the human race would become extinct. If we were all bankers the human race would become extinct. Based on your arguement, we should be banning everyone who isn't a hermaphrodite subsistance-farmer. (You are wrong anyway. The human race wouldn't die out if we were all gay. It is theoretically possible to impregnate a women without any male involvement, using the same technique used in cloning.).
A stitch in time is worth two in the bush.
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