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Old 09-20-2003, 04:24 AM   #3
Felix The Assassin
The Dreadnoks

Join Date: September 27, 2001
Location: Orlando, FL
Age: 61
Posts: 3,608
Question Mark

War is evil? Then man must be evil! The human race has been killing each other since known history. Recent history, look at the Balkans, Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, the list goes on. Ancient history, Greece, Roman era. American history, though very short and shallow as compared to the Eureopean's, 1775 the Army was formed. We killed our British brothers, cousins etc for our freedom.
Fast forward a 100 years, Civil War, again we are killing kin. A few years later the Indian wars were at there height. WWI and WWII we came as the Ally to help the invaded.

Modern history brings us to the disaster's we call Korea and Vietnam. (The gov't was not fully committed to these "conflicts")
So, where does the evil lie?

Veterans from Vietnam faced agent orange, and mass casualties up close and personal.

The smaller conflicts of the 80s were not so well executed, and some that transpired are still TS classified today, and the media showed us the disaster from Iran. The Cold War also ended in the late 80's.

The 90's brought us DS/S, we were faced with lethal friendly fire, and PB pills. The VA says agent orange is responsible for some Vietnam era veterans health, the Gov't says it is not. The VA says PB pills is responsible for some of DS syndrome effects, the Gov't says it is not. So, where does the evil lie?

Y2K brought us into other parts of the world that was TS classified before. We have been guinea pigs for the Anthrax vaccination. I have seen what the side effects of a reaction to Anthrax can do, the Gov't says it was not the Anthrax that caused it. Where does the evil lie?

I have forevermore images ingrained in my mind that are still just as vivid today as they were back in 91. I have issues with my health that go unexplained. I used to wake up during the night, look at the clock, it would be the hour that related to my unit, every moring for years I would awake at 3:35. To this day, when in the field or displaced I still on occassion awake at 3:35. Fellow Conquerors, do not allow the Gov't to get away with it, I have learned that true patience is the true path. For with patience one can overcome the stupendously long and hard paper trail that lies bewteen us and the Gov't acknoledgememt of DS syndrome, and the affects of those PB pills. Where does the evil lie.

War is not glorious, but freedom demands a high price.
Without freedom, then what do you have?
Without war, what are your options?
In the face of the enemy, war is not glorious, but freedom demands a high price.
Watch the news, read the paper, listen to what the Gov't is saying, then look further, look into the heart of the enemy terroritoy and see what the Gov't is really doing. Then united we stand, we must make the Gov't admit to what it says is not, and to acknolwledge what is being done.
For war is not evil.....

The Lizzie Palmer Tribute

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

John F. Kennedy
35th President of The United States

The Last Shot

Honor The Fallen

Jesus died for our sins, and American Soldiers died for our freedom.

If you don't stand behind our Soldiers, please feel free to stand in front of them.
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