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Old 07-16-2003, 10:54 AM   #10
User suspended until [Feb13]

Join Date: December 6, 2001
Location: the south side of ol virginny
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Did Coulter say that liberals are engaged in treasonous behavior because they hold a view contrary to hers? No. She accuses them of activly supporting and protecting the enemies of the US. For decades liberals in congress and around the country conspired to hinder our struggle against communism. I remember members of Congress meeting with Castro in New York, giving the brutal, murderous dictator a pair of boxing gloves that had Castro is #1 printed on them. Hell, to this day you can still find libs who claim that Alger Hiss (a soviet spy) was rail roaded. And this in spite of the release of his soviet handlers papers showing just what he did for them.
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