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Old 05-31-2002, 04:07 PM   #31

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Moni:
There are "legal" restrictions, yes but that doesn't mean they can't be bypassed to moniter people. Believe me, I know firsthand.
As far as using the information they get in order to prosecute said monitered person...I doubt that they could get away with it in a court of law if said monitered person has the cash to buy the "right" lawyer or pay off the "right" people but there's nothing said or written that can keep anyone from buying some judges or otherwise "influencing" their opinions behind closed doors.
More oft than not, local law enforcement and private citizens are used to obtain info but if there is a need for military equipment, it can be obtained if necessary...through the "right" people.
Hi Moni, I don't know you well, only that I know we are usually on opposite sides of discussions [img]smile.gif[/img] But, (and Im not saying that I doubt your word or anything) Im curious, You were or someone you knew was the subject of Active duty military surveilance? If you would be willing to share I would be highly interested in your account, since I am a total military freak [img]smile.gif[/img] I would find the information pretty interesting....if you cant talk about it that is ok too.