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Old 05-29-2002, 05:59 AM   #19
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: May 1, 2001
Location: melbourne victoria australia
Age: 59
Posts: 960
Well, I agree with the eye for any eye bit. The guy who was executed sure decided HE had the power of life and death over someone. Hes a proven murder so theres no way to know if he WONT ever be a threat to someone again. If the government thinks it was bad enough they remove the possibility. And in Texas you are auotmaticly given a minimum of 3 appeals. So his lawyers couldnt find enough reason to get his sentence commuted to life.

I find it truly comical that EVERY SINGLE person on deathrow finds God or Allah or Buddha. Well. They didnt give a flip about religion until it was their own life on the line.

In Texas just last year ,I believe it was, the first womam in the state was executed for a double murder. She bragged to the police when she was caught that EVERY time she hit her ex-boyfriend and his woman with a PICK-AXE she had an ORGASM.

Funny that she found God and was Saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ AFTER she had been given the death sentence. Im glad she got saved. Whether or not God will let her through the golden gates of Heaven remains to be seen. I hope judgement day is a long way off.

Why is it every time a pitbull attacks someone (even if its defending its own yard or home) its considered a Dangerous Animal or Dangerous Breed and the dog is put down???? So why is it that a human can go on a killing spree and murder 14 people some people think he should be given a second chance. Its been my experience that dogs are alot more trustworthy given the second chance.

Ive read about the kids who have been mauled by dogs. Ive also read about serial murderers who've been sent to prison for molesting and killing 9 year olds only to get out of prison 20 years later BECAUSE THE COURT THOUGHT THEY HAD CHANGED AND WERE NO LONGER A THREAT, only to commit almost identicle crimes to what they had been convicted for in the first place.

Nobody cares if the dog gets a second chance.
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