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Old 05-28-2002, 12:32 PM   #16
Drow Warrior

Join Date: December 11, 2001
Location: Canada, AB
Age: 38
Posts: 264
So do you actually want the images removed, or just leave them there and get credit for it? I'm a cartoonist too, so similar problems even if I don't post stuff on the web much. Here:

[sarcasm mode]
1) Learn to become a hacker for the good cause and get in, delete your stuff, leave a message saying something like that you have been warned.[/sarcasm mode]

2) ALWAYS sign your works or leave your initials on them in some inconspicuous place that you will know.

3) Have your works on your own site with some copyright stuff statements so people can't say they didn't see it or so.
<br />Irresponsibility: No single raindrop will believe that it is to blame for the resulting flood. -Anonymous <br />IW PT Sig-Artist
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