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Old 05-24-2002, 06:10 AM   #9
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 3, 2001
Location: Scotch College, Melbourne
Posts: 1,503
Sometimes. There was this headline in one of the local newspapers saying "21 Clap as Nancy Dies".. Are there any Aussies out there who have seen this article in one form or another? I felt pretty bad about the whole situation. Not that her death bothered me, but the whole thing just seemed so wrong.

If any of you guys dont know what I'm talking about, the article is about this old lady who planned to commit suicide and invited people to watch her death so she wouldnt have to die alone. Apparently they were sipping tea and champagne while she took an overdose of drugs or something.
\'Cause its always raining in my head. Forget all the things I should have said..
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