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Old 05-23-2002, 06:17 PM   #2

Join Date: January 27, 2002
Location: Birmingham, England
Age: 67
Posts: 241
I don't like chocolate.



I prefer savoury stuff.. mmmmm crisps.

One of my favourite fattening recipes is savoury:


Take four large potatoes and thinly slice them.

Take 3 cloves of garlic and chop them.

Take 2 red or green capsicum peppers and chop them.

Take 2 large Spanish onions and slice them.

Put all in a frying pan, pour on smallish amount of olive oil, (got to be olive oil), sprinkle salt, put on lid and simmer until soft .

Serve with whatever meat you fancy.

Usually serves two.

It is one of those dishes you just have to keep on eating, doesn't matter how full you are!!!

Lady Zidane
<br /><br />You know what thought did? He only thought he did.
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