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Old 05-21-2002, 08:39 AM   #31
Jack Burton

Join Date: November 10, 2001
Location: Bathurst & Orange, in constant flux
Age: 37
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Originally posted by Sir Heinrich Godfrie IV:
Thats right, it was a MISTAKE. Do you ever make mistakes? Wow, and then you want to equate Bush with bin Laden? It's people like you who scare me more than the terrorists themselves. Because you give these animals the support (indirectly) and arguments to carry out these attrocities!! Oh well, there may still be hope for you after all, as long as you haven't turned 40 years old yet.
So, its all right to make a mistake which kills lots of people, and neednt have even have been a potential mistake ??

And Caleb- those videos are not necesarily made by Al Quieda ... think about it this way- they seem to popup in perfect condition, in buildings that the US has just bombed... and we only have GWBs word for it that these ARE the Al Quieda, and not forgeries. He is obviously bent on killing Bin Laden (whether he thinks it was bin Laden who attacked WTC or otherwise we cant say), so I wouldnt take his word as gospel. Thus, we have video tapes possibly of Al Quaeda, which were found in perfect condition in a building thats just been blown up... ironic that a video should be unaffected by a missile powerful enough to destroy a house built to stay up, no ??
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